I+D Projects
Nuevo Titulo Proyectos I + D
I + D + i Projects
-Contenido parrafo I + D + i
Thanks to the participation in several partnerships, R&D&I projects and related calls, Keralty group works in the implementation of attention models, management models and health technologies and tools. In this way, Keralty aims to establish a competitive advantage that will allow the group create and share value among its patients and health professionals.
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BioKeralty Research Institute is part of Keralty group's research, development and innovation (R&D&I) division. Following Keralty's health model principles, BioKeralty drives and coordinates research and development projects in several health areas. The main research areas are: chronic diseases, regenerative medicine, cancer, personalized medicine or digital health, as well as health value, social care and community care.
Thanks to its multidisciplinary team and its privileged geographical location, BioKeralty constitutes a linkage between the European Research Area (ERA) and the healthcare, social and community reality of those countries where Keralty group provides its services.

Sub titulo centrado - areas de investigación
Our research areas
1. Listado imagenes I + D + i

Primary care


Chronic and neurodegenerative diseases

Infectious diseases


Genomics and personalized medicine
2. Liste proyectos i+D

Regenerative medicine





Health value