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Growth of EPS in Perú

Interview Sergio Martínez, Global CEO of Keralty (former Sanitas International Organization)

There is room for growth of EPS and private health insurance in Perú.

Sanitas, operated as Keralty, will seek to awaken the "sleeping tiger" which is Perú. In 2019, it will create -and own- a network of medical centres and does not discount a series of purchases for further growth.

Sergio Martínez, Global CEO of Keralty (former Sanitas International Organization)
Icono Autor Gestion |  icono fecha 22 June 2018

Keralty is the new global brand of the company which owns Sanitas. The company is dedicated to providing health services and wants to consolidate its presence in the nine countries where it is located. Perú will be a priority in this new phase, said its global CEO Sergio Martínez to 'Gestión'.

This year you took on the leadership of Keralty. What will be the priorities of your administration?

The idea of the strategic plan 2018-2020 of Keralty is to reinforce our presence in the countries in which we are already, before exploring new markets. Therein, one of the main ones is Perú, where we have various phases and want to finish bringing this new knowledge which shows exactly what we can do.

What potential do you see in the health market of Perú?

The health system, as such, is well defined; however, I believe the level of participation of the private system is still very low. There must always be a public part, but the private sector can help to make things go faster.

Do you aspire to lead the EPS market in the country?

Naturally, our objective is to achieve a position of leadership and we do not come to be second-rate actors, but what matters to us most is to do things right, to achieve quality in the service and receive letters of congratulations from our users. I think that it is possible to grow without robbing market quotas from others.

When will you begin to create your own medical centres?

Most probably it will be next year, in the end it will depend on achieving that volume (of affiliates) needed.

What are your expectations in affiliation to the EPS this year?

At the end of April we had 30,830 users, and we are predicting finishing the year with 39,000 or 40,000, which would be an important amount. The Peruvian economy is recovering and is generating employment, which gives us a light of hope that this year will be good. We are implementing systems and technology to achieve volume of users.