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New Covid-19 Knowledge Transfer and Management Network

New Covid-19 Knowledge Transfer and Management Network

New Covid-19 Knowledge Transfer and Management Network created

The objective is to articulate efforts to strengthen knowledge in order to contribute to the best possible management of the current situation in the world

New Covid-19 Knowledge Transfer and Management Network created
Icono Autor Editorial Keralty |  icono fecha 17 April 2020
  • - The network counts with the participation of 18 Scientific Societies, 3 Universities and different clinics around the country. 
  • - The objective is to articulate efforts to strengthen knowledge in order to contribute to the best possible management of the current situation in the world.
  • - Health professionals from Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, the United States, Canada, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Panama and the Virgin Islands took part in the first academic talk of the network, which was carried out by virtual means. 
Bogota, April 17th, 2020. - With the leadership of the Global Institute of Clinical Excellence of Keralty, and the joint work of 18 Scientific Societies, three universities linked to the training of health professionals, 7 hospital institutions and the virtual monitoring of 3,497 health professionals from thirteen countries, the First Videoconference of the Management and Knowledge Transfer Network focused on the care of people with SARS CoV2 / COVID-19 infection took place.
The COVID-19 Knowledge Transfer and Management Network is a commitment to solidarity, trust, compassion, ethics and teamwork among a wide group of professionals from multiple health disciplines, scientific societies, the academic sector, health institutions, insurance companies in the sector, in order to articulate all efforts to strengthen knowledge, in order to contribute to the best possible management of the current situation in the world.
Under the theme Integrated Protocol Centered in People for the diagnosis and management of Infection by SARS CoV-2 / COVID 19, the first videoconference counted with the participation of the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine participated; the Colombian Association of Nephrology and Arterial Hypertension; the Colombian Society of Cardiology and Vascular Surgery; the Colombian Society of Family Medicine; the Colombian Society of Pediatrics; the International Foundation for Maternal Fetal Medicine; the Colombian Association of Specialists in Emergency and Emergency Medicine; the Colombian Association of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism; the Colombian Association of Palliative Care; the Association of Palliative Care of Colombia; the Colombian Association of Pediatric Nephrology; the Colombian Association of Pediatric Endocrinology College; the Colombian Diabetes Federation; the Colombian Association of Neonatology; the Colombian Association of Infant Neurology; the Colombian Diabetes Association; and the Colombian Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Likewise, the University of Los Andes, the Juan N. Corpas University and the Sanitas University Foundation, as well as the Colombia University Clinic, the Marly Clinic, the Reina Sofía Clinic, the Iberoamerican Clinic in Barranquilla, the Sebastián de Belalcázar Clinic in Cali, Colsanitas and Sanitas EPS.
Health professionals from Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, the United States, Canada, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Panama and the Virgin Islands took part in the first academic talk of the network that will work towards updating and unification of knowledge related to the pandemic and its approach in different scenarios.
The topics of this first session were:
  • - The Art of Caring despite the pandemic - Emilio Herrera, President of Health of the Keralty Business Group.
  • - A people-centered approach in times of pandemic - Nancy Yomayusa, leader of the Keralty Center of Clinical Excellence and member of the Colombian Association of Nephrology.
  • - COVID 19: Global Outlook and its implications for Colombia - Carlos Álvarez, Vice-president of Colsanitas Clinic and member of the Colombian Association of Infectology.
  • - Identify: How to diagnose? - Olga Gómez from the Global Institute of Clinical Excellence
  • - Isolate and report - Ana María Castillo, member of the Colombian Society of Family Medicine.
  • - Triage and Initial Approach to Emergencies - Alberto Lineros, National Head of the Emergency Department of Colsanitas Clinics, and Laura Horlandy, Head of the Emergency Service of Universitaria Colombia Clinic, and member of the Colombian Association of Emergency Care and Emergency Medicine.
  • - Comprehensive clinical evaluation: a holistic and multidisciplinary approach - Hector Mauricio Cardenas, Gabriela Sarmiento, M. Rodríguez, members of ACMI, ACCP, ACGG - ASOCUPAC.
  • - COVID 19 diagnostic tests - Johana Vargas, Medical Director of the Colsanitas Clinical Laboratory.
  • - Treatment challenges: from risk assessment to well-being and quality of life - Javier Moreno, Erika Yama, Maria Victoria Mera Mera from SCC, ASOCOLNEF, ACCP.
This was the first of a series of videoconferences that aim to build a large knowledge transfer network that can provide the country and the world with an innovative way to address complex problems and global health challenges, through the generation of guidelines informed in the best evidence to guide decisions in decisive moments in any care setting, with a holistic and integrated approach.
It also aims at the generation of new knowledge, research, education strategies that allow the uniting and sharing of knowledge to strengthen multidisciplinary teamwork oriented by the true needs of people, families and communities affected by the devastating effects of this pandemic.